By Jessica Duchen

Published: Wednesday, 20 December 2023 at 17:16 PM

Even now, 150 years after the death of Robert Schumann in a mental hospital in Endenich, fresh views about the nature of his art are still appearing. His marriage to the pianist Clara Wieck dominates accounts of his life; mental illness, too, plays its appalling role.

Who was Robert Schumann?

But Robert Schumann was not only a turbulent genius; he was a forward-thinking intellectual, wielding a literary pen as sharp as his musical one, with which he championed younger composers, especially Brahms, and helped the reputation of others such as Chopin and Mozart. Fusing literary and musical thinking was central to his philosophy.

When was Schumann born?

He was born in 1810 in Zwickau, the son of a publisher. Initially, the young Schumann erred between writing and composing for a living. When he decided, despite early studies in law, to become a musician, he lodged with his piano teacher, Friederich Wieck, in Leipzig and there met Wieck’s small daughter, Clara, a child prodigy pianist.

Schumann soon suffered a hand injury – the result, some said, of a contraption he had built to encourage independence of the fingers, but according to others a side effect of mercury poisoning after treatment for syphilis. Either way, a performing career was not a viable proposition. Clara was on hand to become Schumann’s pianistic amanuensis.

Who did Robert Schumann marry?

While Clara was still too young, Schumann was engaged to a girl named Ernestine von Fricken, whom he portrayed musically as ‘Estrella’ in Carnaval. But as Clara grew up, so did her relationship with Schumann.